Sunday, November 27, 2011

10 Minute Jump Start Cardio Workout

10 Minute Jump Start Cardio Workout Video Clips.

From, a short cardio routine with our own Coach Nicole! You can do this routine at home, at the office or when traveling on the road. No equipment necessary! Head to http to purchase Cardio Blast with Coach Nicole!

Tags: workout, exercise, jump, rope, fun, hop, high, low, impact, interval, aerobic, fitness, legs, free, travel, home, short, sparkpeople

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Friday, November 25, 2011

Battle Dane vs. Dayz

Battle Dane vs. Dayz On YouTube.

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Keywords: dance moves, Jumpstyle, HARDMAN, OLOLO, Dane, RTSJ, Russian, team, starter, jumpers, etc., Asha, Jumper

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Jump Rope Workout - How to Jump Rope For Fat Loss

Jump Rope Workout - How to Jump Rope For Fat Loss

Jump Starter

Jumping rope isn't rocket science but you may not know exactly what to do for a good jump rope workout. Just follow these simple steps and you will have an excellent formula for burning fat fast.

Before you get started, you want to do the following:

1. Get a good rope

2. Find a shock absorbent surface such as a wood floor, gym mat, outdoor track or tennis court to jump on. Jumping on concrete is bad for your joints.

3. Make sure to have good shoes or cross-trainers with plenty of cushioning for your feet.

4. Have a watch or timer that you can see clearly so you can time yourself.

5. Have some fun music to jump to so you can stay motivated... ipod, radio, or tv all work fine.

6. Realize that jumping rope does take some coordination. Don't give up. The more you practice the better you will get!

1. Warm Up

Warming up is very important when you exercise. It makes your heart rate raise at a gradual pace which allows your muscles time to adjust and not get overworked suddenly. This will help prevent muscle cramps, shin splints, and (hopefully) being terribly sore after the workout.

All you need to do for a good warm up is a slow and steady exercise, like walking, stepping side to side, or dancing. Anything that you can start out doing slowly and gradually increase your speed is a good warm-up.

After doing your warm up exercise for a few minutes, it is a good idea to stretch out all of your muscles. Your whole warm up can take as little as 3-5 minutes depending on how long you plan to exercise for. The idea is to start your heart pumping without overdoing it.

2. The Workout

For the best jump rope workout you want to jump rope in intervals. Start by doing a test to see how long you can comfortably jump for. If it is 20 seconds then jump for 20 seconds and rest for 40. If it is 3 minutes then jump for three minutes and rest for one minute. The amount of rest will depend on your fitness level. Try to jump for longer periods each time while decreasing the rest time between intervals. If you can only jump rope ten times and then need to take a break, then that's what you should start off by doing. But don't push yourself to the point of exhaustion.

For jumping style start by running or hopping in place with the rope. You remain stationary and lift up your knees with each turn of the rope. This is an easy beginners style. Don't try to jump as high as you can on every jump. This is counterproductive and will tire you out quickly. You should be on the balls of your feet, twirling the rope quickly, while only getting an inch or two off the ground.

3. Add Variety

As you become used to the movement and to exercise, your fitness jump rope workout will become easier. You need to adjust your workout to keep it effective. Jump rope using high knees, moving forward and backwards, or side to side and continue this for five minutes. Some other jump rope exercises include "boxing step" (which involves bouncing on one foot for a few passes of the rope and then swapping feet and bouncing on the other for a few more) and "double unders" (where you pass the rope two times under your feet in a single jump).

So there you have it. Remember to keep at it. At first a jump rope workout may seem difficult and you may trip over the rope or hit yourself in the head. Don't get discouraged. In a few weeks you will be jumping like a pro!

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10 Generic Book Club Questions to Jump Start Your Discussion

10 Generic Book Club Questions to Jump Start Your Discussion

Jump Starter

You've been all over the web. You've searched every book club site you can think of, but you can't find a reading guide with discussion questions. Not a good sign-especially because it's your turn to lead the book club discussion. So now what do you do?

First thing-don't panic. Second-keep in mind that book club reading guides are fairly new to the trade: publishers began issuing them with any regularity about 10 years ago, maybe less. So B.G. (before guides), book clubs actually had to figure out how to lead their own discussions. Yikes.

But even if you can't find a specific reading guide for your title, things still aren't as stringent as they were back then. Now you can find Generic Book Club Questions-like the set listed below. These 10 questions are designed for any novel and will generate rich, lively book club discussions.
How did you experience the book? It's not always helpful to talk about whether or not you liked the book, but rather how you felt as you were reading it? Were you pulled effortlessly into the book...or did you have difficulty getting into it? Why? Did you find yourself amused, intrigued, enthralled, disturbed, fearful, irritated, angered, or impatient? Are the characters convincing-do they come across as believable human beings with underlying motivations? Are they fully developed as emotionally complex individuals? Or are they one-dimensional, with little emphasis on their inner lives? Which characters do you admire or dislike-and why? What are their primary characteristics; how would you describe them? In what ways do the characters interact with others-a parent with children; a husband with his wife; a friend with friend. What motivates the actions of a given character? To what degree does the character's past play a role in her present actions? Are those actions justified or ethical? Do any characters grow or change over the course of the novel? Does any character come to learn something about himself or view the world differently? If so, what does she learn? Or is the character "static," unchanging from beginning to end? What is the central conflict of the plot? Is the conflict internal to the character (a psychological conflict)? Or is it external, having to do with character vs. character? Character vs. society? Character vs. nature? (Most novels have a combination of both internal and external conflict.) Is the novel plot-driven? In other words, does the plot unfold quickly, focusing more on action than on the inner lives of the characters? Which do you prefer? Is the plot well-developed? Is it believable...or is it forced? Is it suspenseful or more contemplative? Does it unfold naturally, or do you feel manipulated along the way by coincidences, odd plot twists, or cliffhangers? Is the ending satisfying? Predictable or not? Does is wrap up the ends neatly? Is it too neat, too pat? Does it leave some issues unresolved, questions unanswered? If you could change the ending, would you...if so, how would you change it? What central ideas might the author be exploring-the novel's themes? Consider ideas about the nature of love, the requirements of goodness, the meaning of justice, the burden of the past...basic human issues that are at stake in the book.At times I think generic book discussion questions are better than the ones issued by the publishers. Those read too much like a nasty pop quiz. I can't answer the questions-sometimes they're too specific, too precise. In fact, I'm not sure anyone can answer them, except the author...and even then I'm not sure.
The generic book questions, on the other hand, are more open-ended and depend to a larger degree on the experience of the readers. And because of their broader nature, I think they get to the heart of a novel more effectively than the pre-packaged versions.
So the answer to the question above-what do you do when you can't find specific discussion questions for your title-is to relax. Use generic questions and you'll do just fine. In fact, you-and your book club-will do brilliantly!

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Archos 9 Dual Core - WIN 7- LITE : A REAL FAST TABLET, But Get Rid of the Headache FIX iT

Archos 9 Dual Core - WIN 7- LITE : A REAL FAST TABLET, But Get Rid of the Headache FIX iT On YouTube.

The Archos 9 is in my collection since 4 day's , and my friends, i know what I was buying after the bad reviews i read about this Tablet. As you all know people talk really bad about the Archos 7 HT aswel..and i also have that one and with both devices i felt SCREWED , and i had to jump into a short Study to learn how to fix those issues and with Succes..I got smarter and I understand things so much better now ,and my end opinion about Archos is ..Good Hardware Good Battery life Good Support and cool people at the Archos Family Fans and friends..I,m not alone trust me..i have all these smart dev at my side now and we are like one BIG FAMILY .. Alrighty about the device: It Runned Win 7 Starter and from the 60 gb 40 is usable and 20 is reserved for the installation files.. The System runs some security center and to make the device do what i wanted, i discovered that wiping the disk and start all over again made a great difference. You will get really pist on Windows 7 if you dont use the Touch Plugin for Chrome made by Android Linux Dev of Google and turns this Archos in a real tablet pc with multitouch when browsing the internet..when closing the internet , one see what one misses out because of poor touch support by Microsoft.I bet in Win8 devices they will finally work as it should. No the Tablet is not a BAD one , infact it's very good if you run WINDOWS 7 LITE on it and then to be precise Windows 7 build 7100 RC1 LITE. I created a LITE version way back with ...

Tags: Archos, windows, ipad, apple, monopoly, vampires, holding, jeroen, de, bruin, back, build, 7100, RC1, LITE, chrome, touch, plugin, theme, comodo, internet, security, free, Klite, mega, codec, pack, studio48, channel48, tv48, groningen, nederland, suriname, puck, darlington, dj, beijum, android, tablet, pc, antom, processor, archos7, htv2, wondermedia, 8650, for, sale, iphone, 3gs, osx86, robocat, ubuntu, wubi, xp, ipod

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Breathing for Exercise Energy - Jump Starting Your Heart

Breathing for Exercise Energy - Jump Starting Your Heart

Jump Starter

Many people will give excuse after excuse for not exercising during the day. While the number one excuse is not having enough time, the second excuse used most often is not having enough energy. Energy will remain low as long as the mind is in the avoidance mode. Once you convince yourself that exercise is fun and you WANT to do it, the exercise will return, like MAGIC! In order to jump start those energy levels, exercise breathing can help.

Exercise breathing is like a warm up for the lungs. It gets the body moving and the lungs working in a similar way to how they will be working during the fitness routine. Once the lungs are moving briskly, the heart will kick in and the energy levels of the body will rise.

If you have ever noticed during an exercise routine that after the first 10 or 15 minutes, the exercise does not seem so hard and the energy levels needed to continue are there you understand the forces behind exercise breathing. There are four steps to breathing for energy and they are:

* Take deep breaths. Kind of like stretching the lungs, you want to begin your exercise breathing with long inhales and slow exhales. These will warm up the lungs for the volume of oxygen they are about to experience. These slow breathing exercises should be repeated for 10 to 15 repetitions.

* Rate your energy level. As you are deep breathing, mentally rate your energy level. This will give you a guideline by which to compare your energy level after the breathing exercise. As you slowly breath in and out, notice any changes in energy level. Toward the end of the warm up, you should feel a bit more energized than before you began.

* Moving to abdominal breathing. Now you will move the breathing exercises to the abdomen. As you breath in, fill the abdomen with air and do not move the shoulders. This is all about the tummy. Count the amount of seconds it takes to fill the tummy and exhale at the same rate. You want to breathe in and out just deep enough to not become dizzy from the process. We are not filling a balloon here, just warming up the body. Continue this exercise for three minutes.

* Rate your energy level again. After the three minutes, there should be a marked change in energy level. Your lungs are now warm and ready to move to the music of exercise. This practice can be used at any time during the day when you need a boost of energy, but especially when you are too tired to exercise. These tips can be repeated as a cool down after exercising.

Breathing is the ideal way to give your body back that little spark it needs to move on with the daily exercise routine. Life is all about balance and when we balance our workouts to include our entire body, they will help us to become a healthier person all around for now and tomorrow.

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Monday, November 21, 2011

An Effective Paralegal Resume Can Help Jump-Start Your Legal Career in A Variety of Industries

An Effective Paralegal Resume Can Help Jump-Start Your Legal Career in A Variety of Industries

Jump Starter

There are very few fields that are as rewarding as Law. Whether you are an interested in working for a Prosecutor, Defense Counsel, Corporate Lawyer, Litigator, or Transactional Attorney, all of these fields have something in common, they all require a Paralegal to support them. Unlike an attorney who must pass the State Bar of the state they would like to practice law in, no formal education is required to become an entry-level paralegal other than dedication, attention-to-detail, and thick skin...very thick skin. But, for those who can handle working in a deadline-driven, intense environment, a career as a paralegal may be the treasure at the end of the rainbow. It is crucial that your paralegal resume shines. Why? Because unlike other fields, a resume for the Legal field serves an additional purpose - it is your writing sample. It tells the hiring partner - Do you understand the basics of grammar? Are you concise? Is your writing streamlined, yet informative?

These few tips will help you in achieving a successful career as a Paralegal:

Spell-check and Grammar Check: It always pains me to include this tip, because inevitably, someone will point out a grammar or spelling mistake in my writing. But, since I'm no longer a practicing attorney, I get a pass. With that said, PLEASE spell-check and grammar check your resume and cover letter. You have to realize, the documents you are preparing and revising for your attorney will be submitted to courts, tribunals, opposing counsel, etc. And, although the document will probably have the attorney's name it, you will prepare/revise it. Almost every attorney I ever met has one thing in common...EGO. No attorney wants to look sloppy in front of his or her peers. Therefore, make sure your resume and cover letter are meticulous, it will be a first great impression!

Show Interest: How can you show an attorney you are interested in a career as a paralegal if you have no experience? Easy, take courses. There are several online community college courses that are inexpensive and can be taken at your own pace. I understand that life moves pretty quick, and while it may be nearly impossible for you to find the time, you have to find the time. You can take the courses online on the weekend at your own convenience. Let me state this another way: Did you know that a certified paralegal for a top law firm can make 6 figures a year. Now can you find the time?

Be Honest: Every lawyer spent 3 years in law school and passed the bar exam - no small feat. Attorneys are programmed to evaluate and assess facts and use them to draw conclusions. Presumably they will check your references and employment history. Therefore, don't lie. Nobody starts at the top. Even the most successful paralegals usually started by working for a small operation. If necessary, hire a resume service that focuses in paralegal resumes to assist you in the process.

Good Luck!

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

GTA San Andreas - Robbing Uncle Sam (Ryder Mission #3) - from the Starter Save - Mission Help

GTA San Andreas - Robbing Uncle Sam (Ryder Mission #3) - from the Starter Save - Mission Help On YouTube.

This is simple demonstration on how to do the mission Robbing Uncle Sam in LosSantos using the Starter Save saved-game. NO CHEATS and no mods were used. This is a completely legitimate game. PC Version 1.0 Recorded using Fraps with a GTX 280 video card. The complete Starter Save (from this video) can be downloaded here: The Saved Game of this video (with the mission completed) can be downloaded here: This is for PC users only... you can load it up and play it on your PC. Save the file on your PC here: \My Documents\GTA San Andreas User Files Do you have v2.0? Here's a link for people with v2.0 to play v1.0 saved-games (made by Ryan): Here's a link for the Easy Script Switcher, to swap between v1.0 and v2.0 (made by rubregg): There are no edits in this video... what you see is what actually happened. Here are the details: The video starts off as a saved game with 21.39% Game Progress already made. The following side-missions have been completed: 1) Firefighter Mission 2) Paramedic Mission 3) Taxi Mission 4) Pimping Mission 5) Burglary Mission 6) Vigilante Mission 7) The Roboi's Food Mart Courier Mission in Los Santos 8) The Hippy Shopper Courier Mission in San Fierro 9) The Burger Shot Courier Mission in Las Venturas Also, the following Challenges have been completed: 1) BMX Challenge 2) Chiliad Challenge, Scotch Bonnet 3) Chiliad Challenge, Birdseye Winder 4) Chiliad Challenge, Cobra Run 5) NRG-500 Challenge And ...

Tags: GTA, San, Andreas, Robbing, Uncle, Sam, グランドセフトオート, サンアンドレアス

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Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Power Jump - The Basketball Players Advantage

The Power Jump - The Basketball Players Advantage

Jump Starter

Power jump is important to the competitive basketball player. If you're reading this written content chances are that you are either on an organized athletics team at this point or you are making the effort to join a team. This article gives you the foundation of discovering what the power jump is, how you can calculate where you stand and the best way to start to boost your vertical the appropriate way.

The power jump is all about lower body explosion from a fixed position. It measures the variation between your reach while you're standing flat-footed and your jump from a stationary position. It isn't really about the height that you will get by building up momentum from a jogging start. It is not about taking off from one legged jump as in a slam dunk. It is not about the distance you'll be able to travel in the air from one place to the other. This is a jump straight above your head, as in grabbing for a rebound.

When commencing any kind of procedure were you want to see improvements and improvement, you will need a solution to precisely monitor your progress. In order to evaluate where your vertical leap now before you start a course, you will require an improvement tracking sheet. It will have places for date, height, and numbers of attempts. This will insure that you will find out where you began, and find out the development that you're generating from week to week.

While diverse approaches are used to gauge different types of vertical leap ability, the common way of measuring is obtainable by using the steps. The flag touch technique properly measures up to a dozen feet. It's a telescopic pole with movable flags positioned at one-inch intervals to give accurate readings each time. Stand flat-footed with your side up against the wall and have someone else mark the high point your middle finger can reach. From a stationary position, jump up and touch the highest flag you can reach. You've got 5 attempts. Look at the top of your standing reach and the top flag you touched. Take away your standing reach from the top of the highest flag you reached.

Weightlifting is important to your aim of jumping higher. Olympic lifts like power cleans, clean and jerk and the snatch are all dynamic strength training exercises. To execute these movements efficiently quite a lot of speed is needed. As the individual enhances and lifts more weight, the part of speed is not affected. Enhancements in dynamic weightlifting relate directly to gains in power and increase power jump ability.

Specialized skills are required to reach your goals and you will have the best chance at success if you have a mentor or a mentoring program. You'll need experience, coaching and appropriate facilities. While in any athletic goal that you desire to complete, it is essential to you want to seek out individuals who have done what you want to do in life. They have succeeded. If they can do it then you can too. So, how do you arrive at that level of accomplishment? Obtain an instructor. Get yourself a person who has accomplished what you want to do. If you desire to become successful in gaining a greater power jump, then find an instructor that has a great power jump and has shown other individuals to increase their vertical. Definitely don't look for someone that has not achieved that same success.

For more information visit They have reviews on the top programs.

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Friday, November 18, 2011

TOP 5 Best Sellers in Automotive Replacement Parts

TOP 5 Best Sellers in Automotive Replacement Parts Video Clips. Top 5 Best Sellers in Automotive Replacement Parts 1.Duracell DPP-600HD Powerpack 600 Jump Starter & Emergency Power Source with Radio by Duracel 2.Stanley J5C09 500 Amp Jump Starter by Stanley 3.Battery Tender 021-0128 Battery...

Keywords: kia parts, aftermarket body parts, part finder, autobody parts, oreillys auto parts, boy parts, auto aftermarket parts, aftermarket auto parts, auto parts aftermarket, part truck, aftermarket accessories

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Flush, Jump, Eat Right and Lose Weight

Flush, Jump, Eat Right and Lose Weight

Jump Starter

Weight loss is every woman's dream who struggles with that last ten pounds or more than ten pounds. However, weight loss requires starting a plan that works for you and if you are thinking it is dieting that will solve your weight loss problem, you are on the wrong path and need to come off right now.

Weight loss is about changing your lifestyle altogether because losing weight and keeping it off is the daunting task when you are on a diet. Eating right and exercise is the key. You may be saying, "I have heard this so many times."

Well, it is true. However, exercise can be just jumping on a trampoline for only ten minutes. A trampoline uses every muscle in your body. It is quite similar to jumping ropes. If you can spare ten minutes each day jumping up and down like a kid, what more fun can that be and at the same time helping you to stay healthy and lose weight in the process. The cost of a trampoline is so minimal. You are going to be very surprised when you do the research. If you already have an exercise machine taking up dust at home, please begin using it. Starting with ten minutes will give you some motivation.

Change your eating habits. Did you know that a lot of the foods we eat are acidic? Our bodies already have some acidity and to add more acid to it is killing us slowly. Flush and detoxify your body with a colon cleanse, liver cleanse and candida cleanse. When you eat your meal, it takes up to 4 days to be expelled from your body. If you are not expelling each meal from your body on your own, then you are overly toxic and weight loss will become an illusive dream.

Eat organic foods and fruits. These may seem expensive to you, but what is your life and health worth to you? Brown rice is better for you than white rice. White refined sugar and all artificial sweetners are unhealthy. Use stevia or brown sugar instead. Drink at least six glasses of water. Cook with a little dash of sea salt instead of regular salt.

Check with your doctor about these food recommendations before you try them. However, personal experience is the lesson that is used to make these recommendations. You are what you eat and whatever you put in your mouth is what you will see reflected in your body. Be wise and learn what kinds of food you need to enhance your weight loss program. If you are not a disciplined person, you may need a dietician (if you can afford one) and a personal trainer to get you started on your weight loss journey.

Do not procrastinate or take the easy diet route. Your results will only be delayed or back fire on you. The secret to losing weight is to flush your body, jump on a trampoline, eat right and lose weight. You will see phenomenal improvement in how you feel and look.

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Thursday, November 17, 2011

So, Your Starter Is Just Clicking

So, Your Starter Is Just Clicking

Jump Starter

Does you starter make a *click* sound when you try to start your vehicle?

Each time you turn the ignition switch to start, does the starter just *click* one time?

That is probably the starter solenoid.

If it goes, *click-click-click-click*, and so on, it may just be a low battery.

A low battery that makes the starter *click* a few times doesn't have enough *juice* in it to turn the starter over to turn the flywheel over to turn the crankshaft over to make the engine start...phew!

A simple way to tell if the battery is at fault is to turn the headlights on and turn the ignition switch to start.

If the lights go out, then the battery is probably at fault.

Course, you'll have to run real fast after you hit the start position in order to see if the lights go out...or have someone out there watching for you.:-)

You can purchase a small inexpensive battery charger at most malls, or parts store.

The best way to use a *trickle* chargers is to charge the batter all night, or all day, whichever pleases you.

You can try charging the battery. If it runs down again, then you need to do something.

Remove the battery terminals from the battery post, if you have the *post* type, and clean the post and the inside of the cable clamp.

If you have the side mount just loosen the 8mm bolt and clean the terminal where it comes into contact with the battery. Clean the part on the battery, too. :-)

Sometimes the battery will build up a lot of corrosion on the outside of the cable clamp.

When this happens, usually, the inside part of the clamp and post will create a hard metallic-like surface.

This stops the flow of electricity from the alternator to the battery.

When you use the battery's reserve, it's gone, no more being put in.

If the vehicle does crank, it will run off the alternator, which ain't good. :-(

If cleaning the post and recharging the battery doesn't solve the problem, you may need a new one.

Don't run to the nearest *convenience store* and buy a battery.

Take your battery to a place that sells batteries and have it checked.

If it is gone to where old dead batteries go, then you will have to purchase a new one.

You may have other the alternator; the tension on the alternator belt... several things could make the battery be low...did you leave the parking lights on when you parked, to go shopping? :-)

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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Quality-Built 7973603N Supreme Alternator

List Price : $97.94

Sale Price : $63.32

Quality-Built 7973603N Supreme Alternator Overview

Quality-Built Supreme Alternators are 100 percent new from the rotor, bearings, pulley, housing, rectifier and diodes. Not to mention the strators, regulator and slip-rings. Even the internal fasteners and bolts are 100 percent new. Quality-Built Supreme units are 100 percent new for unsurpassed quality.

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Monday, November 14, 2011

Sony Vegas Pro 10 Tutorial - Jump Cut

Sony Vegas Pro 10 Tutorial - Jump Cut Video Clips.

simple starter tutorial for the sony vegas

Tags: sony, vegas, jump, cut, tutorial, video, editing, tips, and, tricks, how, to, media, creation, videos, youtube, help

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BMX jump (video1)

BMX jump (video1) On YouTube.

me on my bmx doing a starter jump watch out for more videos

Keywords: bmx, jump

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Sunday, November 13, 2011

How to breach in a Nitro RC agent Part 6: Traxxas Method

How to breach in a Nitro RC agent Part 6: Traxxas Method On YouTube.

Check out Squirrels forum! This video is on how to break in a nitro with the traxxas method. This is a good method where it takes 5 tanks. the first tank is with the shell off, 1 throttle applied for 2 seconds, and then full brake. Tanks 2 and 3 are for 1/2 throttle for 2 and then 3 seconds. Tanks 4 and 5 are for full throttle for 2 and then 3 seconds with the shell on. This method works very well and can be a great break in method. The con to the method is the lack of measuring if the engine is gaining heat. You can get a very rich engine and defeat the purpose of any break in. This video is on how to select fuel and glow plugs prior to break in. Information that this contains his how to troubleshoot and break in the kit based off of the glow plug, how much oil is good in fuel, and what nitro percent is good for the fuel. This is a ten video rc nitro break in series. The series is designed on how to guide the novice to experienced racing pro or basher on how to break in a nitro rc properly. I will teach the traxxas, new school, and my own method which is a combination of the other two. I will show the user how to prime a nitro rc engine, start the engine using a bump start box, ex starter, roto start, pull start and tiger drive devices. Then, after break in, I will go over nitro engine tuning theory and then show the tuning actally done. This engine tuning series is good for the AE associated electronics Gt GT2 MGT mini MGT hpi savage x ss, traxxas ...

Tags: how, to, break, in, nitro, rc, engine, kit, vehicle, traxxas, revo, tips, savage, ss, maxx, lst, AE, gt, GT2, picco, .27, .30, sts, CRT, pt, help, method, fuel, tune, glow, plugs, tuning, assistance, lean, hot, OS, RB, LRP, Axial, .28, .21, .18, .12, .15, .32, super, charger, Adventure, Slipper, Maintenance, Fast, Speed, Jump, Air, race, carb, cooling, head, hsn, msn, lsn, needle, flame, out, stall, compression, buggy, truggy, car, monster, electric, tmaxx, jato, rustler, rusty, stampede, pede, 4tec, 3.3, trx, slayer, rc cars, hpi, racing, installation, truck

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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Gold cup 2011 horse chase - Starters Orders 4 horse antagonism game

Gold cup 2011 horse chase - Starters Orders 4 horse antagonism game On YouTube.

This is a clip of the gold cup from Starters Orders 4, the in-depth PC horse racing management game. You can own, train, ride and bet on horses and race at hundreds of courses around the world over both the flat and jumps. There is a free demo for download on the website:

Tags: Horse, racing, game., Aintree, Grand, national., Cheltenham, Gold, Cup, 2011., Breeders, cup.

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Thursday, November 10, 2011

GTA San Andreas - Madd Dogg's Rhymes (OG LOC Mission #2) - from the Starter Save - Mission Help

GTA San Andreas - Madd Dogg's Rhymes (OG LOC Mission #2) - from the Starter Save - Mission Help On YouTube.

This is simple demonstration on how to do the mission Madd Dogg's Rhymes in LosSantos using the Starter Save saved-game. NO CHEATS and no mods were used. This is a completely legitimate game. PC Version 1.0 Recorded using Fraps with a GTX 280 video card. The complete Starter Save (from this video) can be downloaded here: The Saved Game of this video (with the mission completed) can be downloaded here: This is for PC users only... you can load it up and play it on your PC. Save the file on your PC here: \My Documents\GTA San Andreas User Files Do you have v2.0? Here's a link for people with v2.0 to play v1.0 saved-games (made by Ryan): Here's a link for the Easy Script Switcher, to swap between v1.0 and v2.0 (made by rubregg): There are no edits in this video... what you see is what actually happened. Here are the details: The video starts off as a saved game with 24.60% Game Progress already made. The following side-missions have been completed: 1) Firefighter Mission 2) Paramedic Mission 3) Taxi Mission 4) Pimping Mission 5) Burglary Mission 6) Vigilante Mission 7) The Roboi's Food Mart Courier Mission in Los Santos 8) The Hippy Shopper Courier Mission in San Fierro 9) The Burger Shot Courier Mission in Las Venturas Also, the following Challenges have been completed: 1) BMX Challenge 2) Chiliad Challenge, Scotch Bonnet 3) Chiliad Challenge, Birdseye Winder 4) Chiliad Challenge, Cobra Run 5) NRG-500 Challenge And ...

Keywords: GTA, San, Andreas, Madd, Dogg's, Rhymes, グランドセフトオート, サンアンドレアス

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Peak PKCOAN 700 Amp (1400 Amp peak power) Auto Jump Starter with DC Portable Power and Tire Inflator

Product Brand : Peak
Model : PKCOAN
# List Price : $199.99 # Offer Price : $159.95 # Save Now : $40.04 or 20%

Peak PKCOAN 700 Amp (1400 Amp peak power) Auto Jump Starter with DC Portable Power and Tire Inflator

Peak PKCOAN 700 Amp (1400 Amp peak power) Auto Jump Starter with DC Portable Power and Tire Inflator
Peak's super power Jump starter ... when you want to have even more capacity to start your vehicle's dead battery!You have 700 instant starting Amp power, with up to 1400 peak starting Amps.This unit also has a 12 Volt DC outlet to provide portable power for small appliances that accept DC power - such as cell phones, laptops, netbooks, or portable TVs.Plus, the Peak 700 has a built-in 100 PSI tire inflator, an LED emergency worklight, and Peak's exclusive Low Power Alert Technology that automatically sounds when the unit needs recharging.

Peak PKCOAN 700 Amp (1400 Amp peak power) Auto Jump Starter with DC Portable Power and Tire Inflator

  • 700 Instant Starting Amp Power with 1400 Amp peak power Jump Starter
  • 12 Volt DC Portable Power Outlet
  • 100 PSI Tire Inflator
  • Emergency LED Worklight

Available Stores

Explore Electric
$159.95 (New)
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Battery In My Car Keeps Doing Down and I Have to Jump Start My Car

The Battery In My Car Keeps Doing Down and I Have to Jump Start My Car

Jump Starter

Reader Question: I have a new battery in my car, but something keeps draining the battery down and I have to keep jump starting my car. What else could be wrong with my car besides the battery?

If your new battery is going down "draining" and you have to continually jump start the battery to get the engine to start it is probably one of these problems:

o Alternator is not recharging the battery - alternator is faulty and needs to be repaired or replaced

o There is a "drain" on the battery, like something is left on.....dome light, radio, trunk light, etc. OR there is some kind of electrical item that is sucking battery power that you are unaware is, a radio amplifier, an electric seat motor, electric antenna motor etc.

o A wiring problem, the electricity the alternator IS generating is not getting back to the battery, a broken "ground" wire on the back of the alternator or a faulty battery cable or battery cable end or just a loose or dirty battery cable could be the problem.

o Fuse problem, depending on what kind of car this is, some vehicles have an alternator fuse, either under the dash inside the car with the rest of the fuses or under the hood in the larger fuse and relay panel on some newer cars.

Bottom line: To properly diagnose a charging system problem, you must check all components on the vehicle. Your mechanic can test the battery "load", the alternator "output", and check for a voltage "draw" or something draining the battery with the engine and key off.

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Ways to Jump Higher

Ways to Jump Higher

Jump Starter

I wanted to take the time to share some ways to jump higher with you. Being able to get higher with your jumps has many advantages. The obvious is the ability to dunk the ball, but there is also the ability of rebound control, shot blocking, more accurate shooting and the ability to run faster. Being able to jump much higher will bring your game to a new level. I want to show you exactly what you're going to need to do to accomplish that correctly and in the most safe manner.

On of the most important ways to jump higher is through training your muscles required in the jumping movement. As they become stronger, they have the ability to push you further off the ground.

Try starting out doing jump rope. You don't have to jump very high, in fact, it's much better if you just keep above the rope as you bounce over it. The idea behind this exercise is that it keeps you on the tips of your toes. The longer you remain on the tips of your toes, the strong your calf muscles will get, which makes your jumping ability improve.

Another great exercise is the standing calf raise. At the gym, you should be able to find a Smith machine. It has a barbell locked into position, so it can only go up and down. Get underneath it, so the bar rests on your shoulder back area. Get a block of wood to put the tips of your toes on. Start pushing up and down. That will work the calf muscles, but here is a tip to get the most out of this workout. As you push yourself up, be extremely explosive in speed. This will make you a much better jumper.

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Monday, November 7, 2011

Schumacher PSJ-1812 DSR ProSeries 1800 Peak Amps Jump Starter and Portable Power Unit

Schumacher PSJ-1812 DSR ProSeries 1800 Peak Amps Jump Starter and Portable Power Unit

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Schumacher PSJ-1812 DSR ProSeries 1800 Peak Amps Jump Starter and Portable Power Unit

Schumacher PSJ-1812 DSR ProSeries 1800 Peak Amps Jump Starter and Portable Power Unit
Schumacher's PSJ-1812 ProSeries Jump Starter/Portable Power Unit has 1800 peak ampere, 280 cranking ampere and 225 cold cranking ampere. This is a power source for all 12 Volt DC accessories that are equipped with a 12 Volt accessory plug. Additional features include, built in automatic charger, charging status LEDs, battery status LED, polypropylene case and 4 gauge 28 inch cables. This Power Unit is great for compeering, tailgating, power outages and much more. With this Jump Starter/Portable Power Unit you'll never be stranded or without power again.

Schumacher PSJ-1812 DSR ProSeries 1800 Peak Amps Jump Starter and Portable Power Unit

  • 1800 peak amperes, 280 cranking ampere and 225 cold cranking amperes
  • 18 Ah professional grade, high output AGM battery
  • 12 Volt DC power outlet
  • Built in automatic charger
  • LED indicators for charging, charged and battery status

Schumacher PSJ-1812 DSR ProSeries 1800 Peak Amps Jump Starter and Portable Power Unit

Available at Amazon : Check Price Now!

Schumacher PSJ-1812 DSR ProSeries 1800 Peak Amps Jump Starter and Portable Power Unit
*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Nov 08, 2011 07:33:18 ***

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Sunday, November 6, 2011



Yay, First video of my 1/8th Nitro Truggy!!! The vast series of video's on youtube, are presented and edited by myself, and are to help you become more knowledgeable about Your! Favorite Hobby! Well as you can see, i got my dad to film me, breaking in my new GX-5R (5PORT) .21 Competition Race Proven (GO) engine. I am just tickling the throttle and iit really wants to shoot off at times! Thanks for checking up on my video's! Many More video's up on my channel of bashing this awesome truggy and more!

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How Membership Sites Can Jump Start Your Monthly Income

How Membership Sites Can Jump Start Your Monthly Income

Jump Starter

Membership sites are a great example of a method which continually boosts your income.

Using a .97 monthly fee, if you recruit 10 members per month, you start off month 2 with 0 in income. The next month, you start the month with 0 in income - and this continues to grow with time and further promotion. You don't have to go too many months into the future before that monthly "base" becomes a solid income all by itself!

The trick is to create a monthly membership site, with products that people are wanting to resell or read themselves - this is already quite popular online. Membership sites can be based around articles, actual ready-to-go websites, ebooks, software collections - whatever YOUR customers need! Find your own focus or area that you will specialize in - be unique and you'll find a market! Alternatively, copy successful operations (not exactly), and you'll find a market as well!

To promote your membership site, I'd suggest mailouts to your list, posting to forums, classified ad postings, blog posts, etc to raise awareness and find your initial customers. Press releases, articles, links prominently placed on your website, giving away free materials, "sponsored" by your membership site - these are all good promotional methods.

Then repeat the promotional activities over and over again, increasing your income month over month.

Another great thing about membership sites is that they offer content - ebooks, software, resale rights - that you can sell as individual products. Frankly, some membership sites have a large amount of slowly growing material - it may be a good strategy to join such a site, download the materials that are stored there, and then cancel your membership.

For a one month fee, you may be able to download five, ten, or more products that you can create websites for, promote to your list, offer as affiliate products, etc. If you are creating your own membership site, this is one area where you can access a large amount of content, for the effort of downloading it!

Another great resource for material to offer in your own membership site are the products offered in the Christmas Giveaways, though I have seen Valentine's and Easter Giveaways too - they can break out during ANY period of the year! There are often over 100 different products, from ebooks to software, all fairly recent, and all trying to seduce subscribers by offering the best product they can. These products are often being sold at full price right before, and immediately after, such a promotion.

Other types of membership sites have a large amount of new content added each month - some offer new websites each month, some offer 50-250 new private label articles each month. If you are interested in these products, the most benefit is gained from the fresh material. In other words, when material is first added, virtually no one else has this material - making it fairly unique on the internet. This makes the fresh material much more valuable than the dated material that many more people have downloaded, created, and posted around the internet. This type of site is one that you would do best to continue your membership in - as the fresh content is the real value.

Once you have your products, a search on Google for "membership site management software" will give you a huge variety of different platforms to run your membership site in.

The part that makes it work so well is that because PayPal memberships take money out of customer's accounts automatically, unsubscription rates are very low - once you get a member, you've got them for quite a while - even if they don't visit your site, or use your resources - unsubscribing is a process that most will just leave alone as too much of a hassle!

Best of all, the amount you make will grow every month, as long as you do some promotion - and it WILL become a huge, recurring source of income for you! The key is persistence - the effort will create a rolling tidal wave that gets bigger each and every month. Keep pushing through the inevitable slow beginning to get some small successes and then the momentum will continue to build - this WILL work for you over time!

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Saturday, November 5, 2011

A Few Methods to Improve Your Vertical Jump

A Few Methods to Improve Your Vertical Jump

Jump Starter

We all know that using the right vertical jump technique can to improve vertical jump score. A vertical jump test is the basis whether how fast a person can "get up and go" when there is a sudden alteration in their center of gravity. This is important among athletes because it determines whether they can tackle their opponent with great power and agility. Using jump techniques can affect the results, reliability and interpretation of the test.

What are some of the jump techniques?

Squat Jump / Static Jump

Basically, the vertical jump test is done as a squat or static jump. Using this method, the player assumes a stable semi squatting position and then jumps, making pauses between jumps lower than the level of their starting point. This affects the stretch shortening cycle or the pre stretching of the muscles making the jump smaller than the average.

Counter Movement Technique

A jump is usually accompanied by a counter movement wherein the knees are bent instantly before the jump. The counter movement signals the stretch shortening cycle in the muscles which yields an explosion of power produced in the legs. The arms make it a lot easier to for the player to utilize the traditional technique when reaching and touching the wall.

Using the Arms

This produces alterations in the results and interpretation that is why this is not usually encouraged. Although most of the jump tests takers use their arms to propel their body upward to create a more satisfying result. Greater jump heights can be attained using this technique. As a matter of fact, it is really hard to perform some of the techniques without swinging your arms. So it is required that the arms should be extended upwards so it can it mark the vertex where they can possibly reach with their maximum strength.

Traditional weight training

This technique is suggested to beginners who want to undergo strength training and traditional weight training exercises give a safe and highly effective way to increase your vertical jump height.
This method combines multiples exercises like squats, leg presses and toe raises.

Other Variations

Other variations that can affect your jump can include standing with feet apart, starting to jump off with one foot only, running first before jumping the reason behind this is usually done because they want to gain energy first before jumping. Thus it can give higher vertical jumps thus can affect the reliability of the results.

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Friday, November 4, 2011

Some Great Reasons Why Every Car Should Carry a Heavy Duty Jump Starter

Some Great Reasons Why Every Car Should Carry a Heavy Duty Jump Starter

Jump Starter

Although you may not think it is going to happen to you, there may be an occasion that when you return to your vehicle it won't start. Even leaving your lights on for a short period of time can result in the charge in the battery being drained from it completely. So of course when you get back and try to start your vehicle it simply won't happen. If you want to avoid situations such as this in the future then this is when you consider keeping a heavy duty jump starter in your vehicle.

By keeping such equipment as this in your vehicle means that should your battery have lost all charge you can immediately get it charged by connecting it to another vehicle. In most cases these pieces of equipment will comprise two cables on which crocodile clips are attached at each end. You will then attach one set of the clips to your cars battery before then attaching the other end to another car.

However these are all well and good to use but what happens if there is no other vehicles around from which you can get power from. In such situations it would be better to make sure that you include one of the heavy duty jump starters systems on the market today. These come with a number of different functions and because they are much more durable will last for many years to come.

Generally the basic types of kits available to provide a vehicle with a jump start will cost you around . However of course for these to work you will need access to another vehicles battery to get your car started. Certainly it would be much more advisable especially if you are someone who enjoys outdoor activities such as camping to invest in such systems that will provide charge to a 12 volt system.

There are certain models which cost around 0 to purchase that are capable of providing the energy needed to give a 12 volt system help. Plus they also come with a feature that in turn doubles up as a trickle charger. So whilst your vehicle stands idle overnight the heavy duty jump starter is keeping the batteries power topped up.

As well as carrying out this function you will find that this type of jump starter will keep you informed about how much charge the battery has. This is because they are fitted with dial that clearly shows you what this is.

Finally when it comes to heavy duty jump starters there are some models that come mounted on a trolley. These are the kind that you will find that many garages or mechanics will have in their workshops. They are of a size that they are capable of being able to provide a charge to as many as 50 vehicles. Plus as these can also be connected to a mains supply it means that they could in fact provide an unlimited supply of power to use to give any vehicle a boost.

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Let's Play Pokemon Black & White Part - 3

Let's Play Pokemon Black & White Part - 3 Video Clips.

It's Sunday May 15, 2011 Hey everyone NintendoMelon here and welcome back to Let's Play Pokemon Black & White As the second Route of the game, Route 2 introduces a new wild Pokemon, the Dark-type kitten Purrloin that you just fought, and the game's first Trainer Battles. If for no other reason, you might want to catch Purrloin to add some diversity to your team. As you head west from the outpost, your Mom will call and then suddenly appear behind you to give you the Running Shoes, unfortunately explaining that you still need to hold B to use them, unlike in HeartGold and SoulSilver. After she leaves, follow the path to your left through the tall grass and pick up the Potion on the ground. After this, you'll have your first regular Trainer battle against a Youngster with a Patrat. Below him is an NPC who will demonstrate how to jump down from ledges, but don't bother. Continue east from the Youngster to fight a Lass who has a Purrloin; next, head north through another patch of tall grass and you'll find another Youngster with a Lillipup when it ends. Go right from this Trainer and up the ledge to find the two item balls that you saw from the building in Accumula City: another Potion and a Pokeball. To the left of the second Youngster, you'll find the game's first Cut bush, which you can't remove yet, and a few ledges, so skip those. Before heading north, make sure your Pokemon are healed, as Bianca will come up from behind and challenge you to another battle already ...

Keywords: Let's, Play, Pokemon, Black, White, Part, #3, [HD], nintendomelon, Snivy, Tepig, oshawott, route, #2, Acumula, Town, Gethsis, battle, diamond, platinum, pearl, wifi, gold, silver, nation, wifi battle, emerald, pokemon platinum, crystal, pokémon, ruby, soul, shiny, gym, pokemon diamond, revolution, nintendo, sapphire, red, marriland, leaf, pokemon battle, diamond pearl

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Thursday, November 3, 2011

My 1993 CR250 Running

My 1993 CR250 Running Video Clips.

NOTE- i fixed the kick starter!!!! chill -any bad comments will be deleted__FMF gold series fatty w/ FMF pro series 2 silencer Bored out motor, all new plastic w/ gas tank, rebuilt forks, new graphics, new grips, new exhaust seals and springs, chain slider, kill switch. NOT FOR SALE!!!

Keywords: CR250, 1993, CR, 125, 80, 500, CRF, 250, kx, motocross, mx, dortbike, sand, pit, jump, motor, sport, motorcycle, dirt, bike, dirtbike, newbike, crf230, kx250, ttr230, hills, 100, 230, ttr, climb, friends, fun, hillclimbing

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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Starting Your Tomato Seeds in Peat Pots

Starting Your Tomato Seeds in Peat Pots

Jump Starter

If you want to get a jump on the tomato growing season, starting your tomato seeds in peat pots is the best way to go. There are several advantages to this. First, you have an unlimited selection of varieties, whereas, you are limited to what plants the garden center has to offer. Second, you get to control every aspect of your tomato plant's growth, from planting, watering, feeding, heat and light. Finally, by starting your tomato seeds in peat pots, you don't have to repot one or two times into larger pots and then transplant into the garden. You can plant your peat pot directly in the garden.

About six to eight weeks before the last frost of the spring, get your peat pots ready. Use pots that are three or four inches deep. Use a soil-less starting mix that has no soil borne diseases, weed seeds or even nutrients in them. You will also need a water bottle with a sprayer, liquid fertilizer, a heat source and a light source.

Moisten the starting mix in the bag, this stuff is light and airy and will fly around everywhere. Fill your peat pots to a quarter to a half inch from the top of the pot. Place two or three tomato seeds a half an inch apart in the middle of each pot and cover with a quarter inch of the starting mix. Gently firm the mix making sure there is good contact between the seed and the mix. Use the spray bottle to mist the seeds, do not disturb the seeds with a blast of water.

You can cover your pots with plastic wrap to keep the moisture consistent during germination, just keep an eye on them to ensure they don't dry out. Place the pots on top of a refrigerator, a water heater or a heating pad to keep the heat at around seventy to eighty degrees F until they germinate.

In around six to eight days, stems and seed leaves should emerge through the surface, when this happens, remove the plastic wrap and move them to a light source. Some options are a sunny window sill, a sunny room or a fluorescent lamp. Don't get alarmed when the first leaves (seed leaves) turn brown, shrivel up and drop off, that's what seed leaves do. The next set of leaves to appear are the plant's true leaves. When the true leaves appear it is time to start a weekly feeding with liquid fertilizer. Just dilute the liquid fertilizer to half its recommended strength and use it once a week.

Keep your new seedlings under light. With a fluorescent light try to keep the light a couple of inches above the plants, and adjust the light as they grow. You can even leave the lights on all the time, but at least fourteen to sixteen hours a day.

When your seedlings get about two inches tall, pick out the healthiest plant and snip the others off at the surface, do not pull them out of the pot, you could disturb the roots of the remaining plant. Keep the soil moist, the plants fed once a week and keep them under light.

About one or two weeks before you transplant your seedlings into the garden, start taking them outside to a shady area for increasing amounts of time each day. This will help them adjust to the conditions outside, a process known as hardening off.

When the soil temperature reaches fifty-five to sixty degrees F and the day and night temperatures stay above fifty degrees F, it is time to plant them in the garden.

Just dig your hole and place the entire peat pot into the ground deep enough to cover the pot completely. The pot will decompose in the soil and roots can penetrate it like it was not even there.

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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

HIIT Jump Rope Routine - Helpful High Intensity Interval Training Pointers

HIIT Jump Rope Routine - Helpful High Intensity Interval Training Pointers

Jump Starter

The popularity of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) has made it the workout of choice for those seeking to lose fat and increase endurance. HIIT offers a lot of benefits. For starters, it gives your legs a great workout. Where burning fat is concerned, HIIT works by releasing fatty acids into the bloodstream during its high intensity phase. By increasing HGH (the hormone that burns fat while preserving muscle) levels, burning of fat is made faster and more efficient. And that much sough-after EPOC? Well, HIIT results in an after-burn effect that lasts for hours after the workout. It is also a very versatile workout that HIIT routines can be formulated for sprints, squats, stair climbing, treadmill routines and the lowly jump rope.

Jumping or skipping rope has always been a fun and easy form of cardio exercise. The routine is not complicated to do. C'mon, what could be easier than holding two ends of the rope, whipping it over your head, then under your feet in alternating motions? It's also cheap. A good quality jump rope can cost you anywhere under . It doesn't also take up much space and is portable and thus can be brought anywhere. More importantly, jumping rope exercises are great routines for conditioning the anaerobic and aerobic energy systems. This feature of jump rope exercises make it ideal for HIIT training.

A HIIT jump rope workout can achieve maximum benefits if the same principles of HIIT training are followed. That is, you need to do high intensity and low intensity jump rope routines alternately. You can determine the number of intervals by counting the number of jumps you make, the length of time for each interval or by monitoring your heart rate through a heart rate monitor that you can conveniently strap to your wrist. Because it can be difficult to count the number of jumps especially when you're already so focused on the high intensity level of your workout, it's much better to time your intervals. Rest intervals do not necessarily mean full stops. You can simply do a light walk, enough to bring down your heart rate, before you bring it up again at the next high intensity interval.

A sample HIIT jump rope routine that you can do would include a full minute of skipping, then two minutes of walking in place. Do this three minute routine for five sets. You can even incorporate sit ups in a high intensity jump rope routine. For example, you can do double jumps for 30 seconds then single leg rope jumps for 60 seconds. Afterwards, drop to the floor for 50 sit ups. This can be repeated twice with a 60-second resting phase. Repeat the workout for three more times.

Since there is an all-too real possibility of overtraining, especially with a HIIT jump rope routine, always make sure that you give your body sufficient time to rest for at least a day after your HIIT routine. It's advisable that you don't do strength training for your legs together with your HIIT jump rope program or you're going to tire your leg muscles too much.

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Jump Start Your Career As a Professional Speaker

Jump Start Your Career As a Professional Speaker

Jump Starter

Professional speaking is an excellent career choice for those who want the flexibility of a freelance lifestyle along with the lucrative returns from a high-paying career. Are there any keys or secrets to "jump starting" a professional speaking career?

Whether you are using professional speaking as a strategy to boost an already successful career, or whether you are seeking to build a speaking business in its own right, you will want to keep in mind these three keys for jump starting your professional speaking career.

Your speaking career will really "take off" if you focus on knowing your audience, mastering your presentation skills, and marketing your speaking services effectively.

1. Know Your Audience

In speaking to any group of people, your goal is to inform, persuade or entertain them. To do this effectively you need to carefully consider who the audience is before you present to them. What is their background and level of experience? What are their interests, their likes and dislikes?

Learn as much about the audience as possible as this will directly influence what you decide to say and how you say it.

2. Master Your Presentation Skills

In order to become an "in demand" professional speaker, you must learn to truly master presentation skills. You can improve your presentation skills from personal coaching, or even from books and videos, and from being part of a speaking organization such as Toastmasters.

Don't forget that good preparation is always essential for professional speakers. Practice, practice, practice. Then practice some more. You should know your material by heart in order to ensure a good delivery, every time.

3. Marketing Your Speaking Services

If you want to grow your speaking business then you must arrange your marketing package like a professional. Hire a photographer to take a good photograph, preferably a headshot. Now use that photograph on your business cards, on a web site, and with your information sheet. Put together an attractive marketing package including some client testimonials and one or two video clips.

Also, don't turn down speaking engagements just because they are non-paying. When you are starting out - and even later on - speaking for free for charities or non-profit organizations will prove to be valuable in the end. It helps the organization and it also adds to your experience and gives you more client testimonials. These events are also an excellent opportunity for networking. And you might even make a little something from 'back of the room' sales of your books, tapes, workbooks and other materials.

If you really want to jump start your career as a professional speaker then remember these three essential components. They will truly make a strong impact on your audience.

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Monday, October 31, 2011

Cheap Quality-Built 8277601N

Quality-Built 8277601N Supreme Alternator Review

Sale Price : $115.11

Availibility : Usually ships in 3 to 5 weeks

Quality-Built 8277601N Supreme Alternator Overview

Quality-Built Supreme Alternators are 100 percent new from the rotor, bearings, pulley, housing, rectifier and diodes. Not to mention the strators, regulator and slip-rings. Even the internal fasteners and bolts are 100 percent new. Quality-Built Supreme units are 100 percent new for unsurpassed quality.

Available Stores
$115.11 (New)
Usually ships in 3 to 5 weeks

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Sunday, October 30, 2011

My First Jumpstyle Video [HD+HQ]

My First Jumpstyle Video [HD+HQ] Video Clips.

my first video doing jumpstyle :) dont troll or get mad if im doing some moves wrong because im still a starter. All rights for music go to Headhunterz and Wildstylez and Wasted Penguinz and Scantraxx. I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE SONGS IN THE VIDEO. the songs were only used for entertainment purposes. Thanks for watching :D

Tags: jumpstyle, hardjump, side, jump, shuffle, melbourne, jumping, other, first, Holland, techno, hardstyle, dance, bass, kick, dnb, dubstep, drum, remix

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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Leaf Blower : Pull-Start Cord

Leaf Blower : Pull-Start Cord Video Clips.

How to do-it-yourself instructional on the repair and modification of a hand-held leaf blower's pull start cord mechanism. Today on Repairs101, or is it yesterday on Repairs101? Yesterday I took this leaf blower outside to clear my yard... I live in Canada. Sometimes the weather's nice. I realize there's a bit of a contradiction here with my claiming to be an environmentalist and using a machine like a 2 stroke leaf blower. The by-laws in my neighbourhood insist that properties be kept in character with one another and everybody in my neighbourhood has manicured lawns. If it was up to me I'd let it all grow over wild and return to state of nature. And much as I want to make the environmentally conscious choice every time, sometimes you have to make some compromises. I also drive this 4x4 when I go off-road, instead of a horse - as much as I love horses. I'll take this nozzle off so it's not such a big ordeal to work with. to drain the fuel out of this for obvious safety reasons. need some Allen Keys to do this job. Generally I'll reach for 1 of these 2 kits -- BONDHUS Gorilla-Proof tools made in the USA, to me that still means made with pride and quality merchandise. Here's another BONDHUS tool that I would strongly recommend just needs something with a good selection. If you're not a serious tool collector -- this is a great place to start. Just take this last screw out of the bottom here. fan housing comes right off just like that. cover here I'm going to take off -- 3 ...

Tags: Pull-start, blower, pull-start cord, Rope, rope start, rope-start, leaf-blower, leafblower, leaf blower, yard, yard tools, tool, tools, howto, how-to, how to, how do you. how do I, fix, fixes, fixing, rebuild, rebuilt, recon, recondition, mods, mod, modify, modification, repair, repairing, repairs, repairs101. repairs101ca.

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Schumacher SC-8000A Speedcharge Charger/Maintainer

Product Brand : Schumacher
Model : SC-8000A
# List Price : $197.39 # Offer Price : $125.21 # Save Now : $72.18 or 37%

Schumacher SC-8000A Speedcharge Charger/Maintainer

Schumacher SC-8000A Speedcharge Charger/Maintainer
This speedcharge charger has computer control to enhance the charge rate and it also monitors the battery condition to insure that the battery is not overcharged. With this charger, your batteries will be fully charged quicker than with conventional chargers. This charger is designed for use with 6-volt and 12-volt, deep cycle, gel cell and absorbed glass mat batteries. It also features a black and gray polypropylene case with retractable handle and push button controls to select and display charge rates.

Schumacher SC-8000A Speedcharge Charger/Maintainer

  • 30-amp rapid charge and 12-amp fast charge features self adjustment and adjusts charge rate to prevent battery damage
  • Compatible with virtually every type of automotive or light marine battery
  • 80-amp engine start provides quick power to crank the engine
  • 2-amp slow charge for small batteries and large battery maintenance
  • 100-amp clamps for top and side-mounted battery posts

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